Dr. Chris Roosa
Clinic Coordinator, Physical Therapist, Board-Certified Orthopedic Clinical Specialist
Chris Roosa, DPT, OCS, FPS earned his Doctorate in Physical Therapy from the University of St. Augustine in 2004. Dr. Roosa has over 20 years of clinical experience in orthopedics, sports and the treatment of persistent pain. Dr. Roosa is a Board-Certified Clinical Specialist in orthopedics and has worked with a number of top athletes at the Olympic and professional levels. Dr. Roosa also has a Medical Level 2 Certification specific to golf from the Titlist Performance Institute (TPI). From youth sports to weekend warriors, Dr. Roosa has a wide variety of tools and techniques to get you back in action quickly.
During his career, Dr. Roosa was fortunate enough to receive extensive training from some of the best clinicians and educators in the physical therapy industry. Most recently, Dr. Roosa completed his Fellowship in Pain Science and conducted research with Dr. Adriaan Louw to advance Pain Science and the treatment of persistent pain.
Additional certifications Dr. Roosa has attained during his career include: Postural Restoration, which is an advanced and highly sought after technique that addresses underlying biomechanical adaptation patterns, breathing dysfunction and corrective treatment options to restore the underlying origin of your injury or persistent pain. In addition to postural restoration, Dr. Roosa has advanced training in trigger point dry needling and manual therapy. His passion is to help his patients’ understand their pain and the anatomical connections leading to persistent pain. When out of the clinic, Dr. Roosa teaches manual therapy, dry needling and provides mentorship to aspiring clinicians on a daily basis.
Dr. Roosa enjoys being outdoors hiking and biking, live music and being with family.