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Importance of Verbiage Used for Athletes Returning to Sports

  • Non-contact, non-reactive environments: Athletes engage in controlled activities that minimize risk.
  • Progression to open, contact, reactive environments: Gradual increase in complexity and intensity of activities.
  • Continued physical therapy: Focused on sport-related activities to prepare for full return.
  • Suboptimal performance: Athletes have not yet reached pre-injury performance levels (Dijkstra et al., 2017).
  • Engages in full sport activities: Including competition, practices, and training sessions.
  • Has not yet achieved pre-injury performance: Still working towards previous or desired performance levels (Ardern et al., 2016).
  • Has reached or surpassed pre-injury levels: Achieving or exceeding previous performance standards.
  • Is fully reintegrated into the sport: Participating without restrictions and performing at peak levels (Brennan et al., 2017).