You are currently viewing Best Hiking Destinations Near Baltimore, Maryland

Best Hiking Destinations Near Baltimore, Maryland

Feeling grid-locked by city life? While Charm City is certainly charming, sometimes we all need a little escape to nature. We look for something far away from parallel parking, noisy row home neighbors, and squeegee kids. 

There’s a lot of science to back these feelings as well. According to BBC, a meta-analysis of 20 pieces of research conducted over the past 35 years shows people in cities suffer from mood disorders and anxiety at a disproportionately high rate. This is likely due to increased pace of life and stimuli, pollution, and less input from nature which helps downregulate our brain activity. 

Take control of the stresses of life in a city. There are countless trails and outdoor activities nearby that can help you unplug, recharge, and get some outdoor exercise. You’ll be shocked at how therapeutic fresh air can be! Hiking is a great way to get exercise while soaking in nature.

Check out our 5 favorite nearby trails for easy to moderate hiking or walking ~30 minutes from Baltimore City. Go get the reset you need!

  1. Patapsco State Park
  2. Baltimore Annapolis Trail
  3. NCR Trail
  4. Gwynns Falls Trail
  5. Loch Raven Reservoir 

Faith Reilly PT, DPT

ACSM Certified Exercise Physiologist, EXOS Performance Specialist