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Importance of Plyometric Training for Runners and Return to Run

Coming back from a running injury and want to get back to logging your normal mileage? Many runners at some point in their running journey have experienced an injury that can alter their activity. This can be frustrating as these injuries can hinder runners from training for a race or maintaining their weekly mileage. 

As a means of trying to return to running seamlessly, consider plyometric training before returning to run. Incorporating plyometrics can be a great way to bridge the preparation of running. Think of running as an extension of plyometrics as it requires bouncing and recruitment of muscle fibers required to complete the next step/stride. The best way to prepare the body for something like running is complete lower extremity exercises that mimic elements of running.

What do plyometrics look like?

Pogo hops, skipping, box jumps, and bounding are some to name a few.

Plyometrics can also serve as a measure to determine if someone is ready to return to run.

When completing plyometrics, is pain still present? 

Yes? Find an entry point that is pain free. That can mean double leg plyometrics instead of single. Or split or staggered stance plyometrics before single leg.

No? Assess entry point for running. Can be a walk/run program or introducing decrease in previous running volume.

That doesn’t mean once you begin running that plyometrics go out the window. They can serve as a warm up or be utilized in general strength training. Not only will plyometrics help with injury prevention but can also improve performance and speed.

Keep in mind everyone has different entry points when returning to run. Meet with a PT at FX who can help guide you when it comes to plyometric training and get you back to logging miles.

Written by: Oreofe Ajayi

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