Volleyball: Common Injuries and How to Prevent Them
Whether you play on the sand or on the court, volleyball has become an increasingly popular and fun sport. A comprehensive training program is key in keeping volleyball players injury…
Whether you play on the sand or on the court, volleyball has become an increasingly popular and fun sport. A comprehensive training program is key in keeping volleyball players injury…
Written by: Dr. Colin van Werkhoven PT, DPT, CSCS Suffering from shoulder pain? Physical therapy mobility and strength exercises can help improve range of motion and help handle the demands…
If you are pregnant or postpartum, you are aware that your body has gone through significant changes. Throughout pregnancy, there are changes that occur within the musculoskeletal, nervous, and endocrine…
Are you beginning to experience symptoms similar to those mentioned in Swimmer’s Shoulder, Part I? Not to worry, we can help! The key is evening out the muscle imbalance that is perpetuated by the main swimming strokes as well as life tasks in general (sitting at a desk, studying, etc). What this means is dryland practice is actually REALLY important. During this time, swimmers should focus on stretching the pec major and lats as well as strengthening the muscles between the shoulder blades (periscapular musculature) and improving thoracic mobility. Below you will find examples of stretching, strengthening and mobility drills that will help improve the muscle imbalances and improve resting posture. (more…)