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Nutrition, Fuel, & Recovery: General rules from a DPT

The definition of nutrition is the process of providing or obtaining the food necessary for health and growth. “What you eat, is what you are” has a lot of truth to it. And since health and growth have different meanings for each individual, nutrition is not exactly a cookie cutter approach. There are some general suggestions that can be made to help you get the most out of your training.

Refuel, Recover, Repeat

Post-workout nutrition exists to

  • Refuel our body
  • Reduce soreness
  • Preserve muscle mass and growth
  • Boost the immune system
  • Increase bone mass
  • Improve our ability to utilize fat

We want to maximize the benefits of our workouts, and we can do this with proper recovery and nutrition.

Whole Food Nutrition

Whole food nutrition is fundamental. It is recommended that within 1-2 hours of completing your run or workout, you get a meal that includes a source of protein, carbohydrate, vegetables, and healthy fats. The amount is very dependent on male vs. female as well as the duration and type of exercise that you have been performing.

This may look very different from one person to another.  It could include chicken, broccoli, sweet potato, almonds and berries or it could be a shake with protein powder, spinach, peanut butter, banana and unsweetened almond milk. Either way, you can see that we are striving to create a well balanced meal that will provide all the nutrients and minerals the body needs to recover.

The Hand Trick

A good place to start with this concept is to use the hand for portion sizes since typically our hand sizes are closely related to our bodies. 

If you are struggling with some ideas, and want more details, refer to the following link that will give you some more structure based on body type and activity levels.


Your nutritional needs are unique to you, which is why our team at FX Physical Therapy takes time to fully assess your health 1-on-1 with a Doctor of Physical Therapy. Contact us below and see how we’re built to make you better.