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Staying Active During the Holiday Season

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The holidays are upon us, which means lots of festivities and quality time with loved ones. While it is one of the most wonderful times of the year, it also poses a challenge to maintain a regular fitness routine. The good news is that it does not have to be an all or nothing situation. The first, and most important, tip is to remember that it is okay to give yourself a pass if you are not able to maintain your usual exercise schedule. The holidays are meant to be enjoyed with friends and family! For those who are still looking to get a quick workout in, we have come up with some tips to get a good sweat in!

Plan your workout 

It is more likely that you will successfully complete a workout if you plan ahead. Whether you are traveling for the holidays or hosting out of town guests, take a look at the days ahead and plan time for yourself.

Keep it Simple

It is a very busy time of the year for most people, it can be hard to find a full hour to the gym for that weight training workout. The good news is that you don’t need a bunch of equipment or time to get a productive workout in! Try putting together a body weight circuit workout: pick 3 or 4 exercises (squats, lunges, push ups, planks, step ups), set a timer for 5 minutes, and see how many times you can get through the exercises before time is up! Repeat this 3-4x for a great 15-20 minute workout that can be completed at home. You can also get a challenging workout from just a resistance band and some household items that can be used as weights (canned goods, mild jugs, water bottles).

Utilize Exercise Content on Social Media

The internet can be a wonderful place to get new ideas for at home workouts. There are a plethora of fitness accounts on instagram, Facebook, etc. that provide content for new exercises and daily workout plans. This provides you with the opportunity to keep your workout fresh and engaging. 

Be the Team Leader

Whether you are going away to visit family or hosting out of town guests, take the lead and plan some activities! It can be something as simple as encouraging everyone to go for a walk around the neighborhood with the dogs or kids. Even if you don’t have a dog or young children, everyone could take a walk to check out all of the fun holiday decorations! Checking the local area for scheduled fun runs and turkey trots is another great way to stay active, many of these events have a walking option as well.   

 Hopefully these tips will help to keep you happy and healthy during the holiday season! The bottom line is enjoy time spent with others and incorporate fun ways to stay active. 

Happy Holidays from the FX team!