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When Should You Use a Weight Belt?

We’ve all seen some gym taboo when we are working out. Biceps curls in the squat rack, not re racking weight, and starting a conversation mid set with someone.

Let me add another to the list: using a weight belt excessively.

Too many times have I seen someone doing shrugs or biceps curls with a weight belt on. What benefit does this person gain from using it? Let me be the first to tell you: NOTHING! 


What do weight belts do?

Don’t get me wrong, weight belts are a great tool and help keep us safe. Weight belts help us create more intra-abdominal pressure, by allowing us to push against it for additional stability. This additional stability gives us a sturdy core, which gives our limbs a stable base to push from. By having a sturdy base, our muscles become stronger from a physics standpoint and so we can lift heavier weights. 

However, weight belts shouldn’t be abused. Much like a brace, we should never become reliant on a weight belt. Our core is not something we should volitionally engage. It kicks on in the background much like breathing. Overuse of a weight belt can cause these core muscles to become sluggish or inactive, resulting in a weaker core, which could create back pain or other injuries down the road. Also, despite popular belief, back braces do not prevent back pain in weightlifting. They can be used as an aid by creating the mechanisms stated above.


When not to wear a weight belt

There is no need to use a weight belt when completing machines or lighter free weights. Use these exercises as opportunities to promote proper posturing and stabilization to effectively train the muscle group you are working. Practicing this skill in the gym can help you create that same stability on the field and make you a better athlete. 


Don’t be that person in the gym….use the weight belt appropriately!