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Powerlifting with Pain

Oftentimes when pain is felt during training we sometimes fall into the trap of “rest it and wait until it feels better”. Although this sometimes may be necessary, there are often other ways to continue to train around your pain. If you get pain with a lift, rather than immediately stop doing the lift, it can sometimes be a good idea to slightly alter the lift and then continue to address the impairment that is contributing to the pain in order to prevent regression.


Low back pain while deadlifting from the floor? You could change the programming to a rack pull in a sumo position from shin level while then adding in additional exercises to address lumbar stability.

Shoulder pain with bench press? You could change the programming to include tempo based pauses with a close grip while then adding additional exercises to address scapular stability.

Hip pain with squatting? You could change the programming to a front squat while then adding additional exercises to improve hip mobility/stability. 

The above are just examples of how we can help reduce your pain while also helping keep you in the gym. Work through the pain, and contact us at to schedule an evaluation by one of our Doctors today!