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Unlock Your Running Potential: Strength Training Tips for Spring Races

Written By: Bailey Souder, PT, DPT

As your running race draws near, you may feel the strain of burnout or the frustration of plateauing progress in your training. While focusing on increasing your weekly mileage is important, incorporating structured strength training into your routine can be a game-changer!


Beyond simply logging miles, scientific research highlights the crucial role of strength training in muscular endurance and resilience. Compound lifts like squats and deadlifts not only build raw strength but also endurance. These exercises engage multiple muscle groups simultaneously to mimic the demands of distance running and to provide conditioning for the prevention of fatigue-induced breakdown.


Running places asymmetrical demands on your body, making unilateral strength imbalances a potential risk factor for injury. Incorporating exercises that focus on single-leg control, such as split squats and single-leg Romanian deadlifts (RDLs), is essential for symmetrical strength development and reducing the risk of overuse injuries. They also help to improve running economy, so that you conserve energy and run more efficiently.


There is a proven and symbiotic relationship between strength training and running performance. Research concludes that this combination leads to demonstrable improvements in running economy and performance, as compared to endurance training alone. By enhancing neuromuscular coordination, increasing tendon stiffness, and boosting muscle power, strength training offers an advantage that translates into measurable performance gains on race day.

At FX Physical Therapy, we understand the intricate interplay between strength, endurance, and injury prevention. Our expert practitioners are dedicated to crafting personalized training regimens tailored to your specific running goals and addressing any lingering injuries or imbalances. Whether you’re striving to elevate your performance or overcome a persistent injury, our team is committed to guiding you toward peak physical condition.

As you navigate the challenges of spring race preparation, remember that holistic performance enhancement goes beyond simply increasing mileage. By integrating evidence-based strength training protocols into your training routine, you can fortify your body against burnout and injury while unlocking untapped reservoirs of running efficiency and performance. Embrace the synergy between strength and endurance, and embark on your journey toward realizing your fullest running potential.

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