The Benefits of Dry Needling
By Ariana Maxwell Dry Needling: A Comprehensive Guide to Pain Relief and Athletic Performance Enhancement Dry needling is a highly effective therapeutic modality used by physical therapists to decrease muscle tension,…
By Ariana Maxwell Dry Needling: A Comprehensive Guide to Pain Relief and Athletic Performance Enhancement Dry needling is a highly effective therapeutic modality used by physical therapists to decrease muscle tension,…
Oftentimes when pain is felt during training we sometimes fall into the trap of “rest it and wait until it feels better”. Although this sometimes may be necessary, there are…
There are so many different causes of pelvic pain. Because our pelvis interacts so closely with our organs, many people get really concerned when their pelvis starts to hurt. Rightfully…
Battling Belayer’s Neck When discussing pain and injuries from climbing, generally those that occur on the wall are what come to mind. However, if you ask someone an hour or…
Have you been living with pain for months? Maybe even years? Experiencing pain is a normal part of life, but living in chronic pain is not. It is exhausting and…
Have you ever wondered, how do professional athletes heal from injury so fast? Well other than having insane genes, top rehab and sports medicine at their beck and call, they…
As physical therapists (strength and conditioning coaches I assume see this as well) we often hear “and no matter how much I stretch, I’m still tight!” If that statement resonates…